Introducing....AUTHOR OF THE WEEK

I'm trying Something a bit different. Each week, a different author will be featured for two days: Day 1 will be an Introduction to him/her and Day 2 will be a special guest blog post from this author.


Almost as soon as Devika Fernando could write, she imagined stories and poems. After finishing her education in Germany and returning to her roots in Sri Lanka, she got a chance to turn her passion into her profession. Having lived in Germany and in Sri Lanka with her husband has made her experience the best (and the worst) of two totally different worlds – something that influences her writing. Her trademark is writing sweet, yet deeply emotional romance stories where the characters actually fall in love instead of merely falling in lust. What she loves most about being an author is the chance to create new worlds and send her protagonists on a journey full of ups and downs that will leave them changed. She draws inspiration from everyone and everything in life. Besides being a romance novel author, she works as a self-employed German web content writer, as a translator, and as a faithful servant to all the cats, dogs, fish and birds in her home. When she’s not writing, she’s reading or thinking about writing.


1. When did you first decide to become a writer? Why?
Truth be told, when I was seven years old. *lol* On a more serious note, I was looking for an online job some years ago, and found it in content writing. As it had always been my dream to write my own book, I decided to take that next step last year (2013). I just cannot not write, I think I’d go mad.

2. Do you find your unique life experiences add to or hinder your writing?
They definitely add to my writing because there were and are so many lessons to learn. Having lived in a European and an Asian environment is an advantage, too, though things sometimes get confusing.

3. What is your most frightening experience? Would you use this in a story?
Whoa, what a question! Do you want to scare me to pieces by reliving it? ;-) There are many moments, I really can’t choose (and they’re a bit personal). But I think frightening experiences work wonders for books, so essentially the answer is YES.

4. What inspired your latest work?
“Playing with Fire” was inspired by fantastic art on I do so love visual writing prompts (whether they’re intended to be that or not).

5. Which media sites are your favorites? Why?
Facebook because I’ve been on it the longest, and have found so many wonderful friends and great writers through it. Pinterest is too addictive for my own good, and Twitter just doesn’t appeal to me though it’s useful.

6. How do you, as an author, handle promotion?
I try my best on social media. I hate just selling my book or spamming, but I love interacting with fellow writers and readers. Sharing interesting content on my blog is what I like most, be it author interviews, snippets from my books, articles, guests posts or spotlights.

7. Who are your favorite writers and why?
I have so many… If I need to narrow it down, I’d nominate Anne Rice, Arundhati Roy and Michael Ondaatje for their magical way with words and their memorable, unique characters.

8. If you could visit any period of time in history which would it be and why?
All of them, seriously! I’m most fascinated by ancient history though. Old Egypt and Old India sound like great places to start. Those high cultures are so awe-inspiring and exotic. And I’d love to have been present at the time when Buddha taught his religious wisdom.

9. Is there a message you want readers to take from your novels?
Several usually… above all: Believe in yourself! Love will find a way!

10. What is your favorite holiday?
In Germany, it used to be Christmas because I could stay at home without having to face the winter horrors, and because yummy food and presents is always a good idea. Summer holidays were a close second because that meant nonstop reading for six weeks… ;-)

Make sure to make a spot on your September book buying lists for Devika's newest book, PLAYING WITH FIRE.


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