So. . .

For those of you who are 'ole hat' at this, just grin and pat me on the head and smile. But I received TWO awesome things in the email today: Second Round edits from the ever fab (and long suffering) Editor I've been blessed with AND a Cover Art Form to give details for my cover.

Yes, I screamed. Yes, I scared my Husband silly thinking something was wrong (or that I saw a mouse, since I've been known to scream bloody murder when I see those). Yes, I jumped up and down. And yes, I think I may grab some hidden chocolate to celebrate.

I also learned how to 'pin' things. Yes, I've joined the 'pin' age and can create boards and add pictures and delight (or more likely, annoy) all my friends. My editor started it by asking and sending a picture of the heroine Anna's of soon-to-be-released book wedding gown. It was THE gown, just a different view so I sent her the views I had. Which led to her asking what Anna looked like, and a search for photos. Then we HAD to find what Robin (the hero) looked like, and many items from the novel. The next morning, I spent happy hours finding all the characters in the book, several places and things mentioned in the book and other quotes and pictures then 'pinning' them to board.

I'm having a blast. :)

I have a guest for the next post. I'm happily taking part in a cover reveal. So look for it this weekend :)


Keep Calm

Keep Calm
Read Mia Epsilon


Today's Meme

Today's Meme
Reading! The New Resolution