I'm Not a Condenser...

 I'm not a Condenser. It's not my fault. Really, it's not. It's just not in my genes or in my blood.  I'm Irish, 


and UK (and I have the DNA results to prove it!) PLUS I'm southern American. It's just ingrained in us to ramble and be story-tellers. The GOOD kind.

We LOVE to talk. And talk some more. And talk more and more. As my Daddy used to say, "She (me) has to build the clock before she can tell you the time."

PLUS... I love words. I just adore them. Who doesn't? Especially English words, which I'm told make it a very hard language to learn because the same word can mean something different and be said a different way, like rain and reign. 

Words are fun. They are beautiful, and hard to spell, and can say everything we can't seem to say from our heart, and they go together well or don't, and they are just magic. And I like to use many, so I don't hurt any feelings (yes, that's a stretch).

So HOW can I be expected to condense a whole 85K words into a 300  or less summary? I have to give up all my beloved four words describers. 
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It also explains why it's taking me three whole days to write a 200 word blurb*for the new book. I have to go against my upbringing, and my speech, and my natural tendency, and my blood, and my genes and everything!

* Blurb is the name of those teaser things on the backs of books or in sell pages to see if we want to buy and read the book. They are supposed to be witty, short, and encourage a reader to buy the book.

So just know...I usually have a LOT of help writing my books' blurbs. And be kind when you read them. I promise the story is MUCH better!

Speaking of...let me introduce you to Daniel, from "When You Believe'. This is the inspiration for him:

Have a great week everyone! I'm off to battle deleting ...I mean, I'm off to write this blurb!


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